there was had a discussion about the stuff and bits and fun had on a trip to Londonish galleries from the week before. Julie told people to take a sheet and explore these spaces. In the discussion there was talk of interactivity and does that distract viewers from or create a wall between the art making them more interested in what happens rather than the object itself. There was talk too of the slide pieces of Carston Holler at Tate Modern.. An image was found about a visit that I took part alec and tracey we saw men around london, and blind light. .. the discussion led and i think fiona was talking about how it is the people on the edges of the box of glass
and the viewers outside is what the art of it is.
some that i did very much like at the tate was when i visited with sean , the artists dining room 2nd march - 4th june 2007, the shiny surfaces where i instantly saw myself being looked at by the work on the wall. And Manfred Kuttner conflict contrasts flourescent that made me stare deep into the images .
Siebenauge, 1962 was my favourite.. reminded me of Bibette whom i met.. at college in Bath who i think is doing printmaking. And a piece with orange in the tate somewhere.