Thursday, September 11, 2008

I didn't know that claire was going to greece. Blue and white. Alec came to visit last night. I had pizza. He had pizza. We went to pizza express in london near the globe theatre. I smell pizza near luci's house. I went to a wetherspoon yesterday and am in the middle of watching the weatherman. It's a film that i saw on bbc iplayer. I like the bit where the main character has a spoon on his suit with chocolately milk. It's got nicholas cage innit. I had a dream about what someone called art . It was leaves and lots of leaves on a path all tied together in a kind of blanket and it undulated and rose above the path. That was on a tv in my dream. I just bought an accessory on the internet . I like to do this here in the sexmiddle library. In the dream we were linked with goldsmiths fine art. It made me sad to wake up and realise that this is not the case apart from my cheese rae that will be there soon. Hopefully he will show me round and i can make some new friendlings there. Big blue house in brighton. Will l i go to it? it's when your university course starts. A man in the pub said that my books are scary. Another man in the pub worked at the same kind of pottery painting place that i worked at. Another man in the pub took a photograph with a camera that i bought in asda.
There are so many thinggs to tell myself, just a selection here please.
This one is for Karl and Jess. not chess, but scrabblesex.
Me and tim and alec went to city hall. I took a knife. You can see it in the picture. I had to leave it with the man in the picture.

i think this is meant to say yellow at the end if one reads left to right.

i think this one is to be continued with yellow city hall and tate modern and my exhibition there and a shop and my mind that is funny

Saturday, September 6, 2008


was surprised to not hear me!

choque on jocqes chochopco

i didn't say ha to him for caire on his birthday!

Friday, September 5, 2008

the library

I sit in the library even though i want to eat the food which is curry. there were many thoughts and . Claire says she read my clog.. Who are you? Is anyone reading this. Today I told ellie that having the difficult customers makes me feel happy knowing that I am not as them. Is it related to wild turkey? I don't know you would have to ask reena and sarah. I have not seen them for quite a while and would like to get on a train to the homeland at some point this year. Tea was good. I had pasta and carrots. My teeth are growing. I got a free trip in a car to cat hill from the pub. We ( me and the driver) talked about what is fine art. She loves to draw with pencil. At the moment i like writing out my text messages and reading them and reading them and making up the dual. meanings. \What do you mean? i like too , reading a nd writing again the ones that i write. I didn't write a bout olives. I can't talk french but i would like to live in one of those countries like france where they speak it so I can learn with you;. Yesterday i watched drwho and the shawshank redemption. . a man told of a bit of hope. I like the 'hope' that i saw in the tate britain with hsi. Perhaps i'll put an image here.
I wanted to write about hope on.... . Hope (Blue) Supported by a Bed of Oranges (Life): Amid a Context of Allusions 1991 for my essay in 2006 because it was the only thing in the gallery tate modern that had a kind of impact on my person , though i cannot quite remember what. I think i shall want to look at the (John Baldessari more. i like the word allusion. it reminds me of the way we use words. What do you mean? it's up to you to decide infer everything. the pictures an d images arranged .. hmmm.. reminds me of what richard was doing the last time i looked....also the link i gave makes me laugh in the ways of HD and RBG and their sugar tate experience of december. 'images' were not available. ... though t-shirts were.
I seem to send more text to people in the way of phones recently to give my fingers practice in the way of handwriting. I seem to do what people say.. one or two say to watch that film. List.s. another to go to muji. I did. another to. ;..

i liked the time detector thing in the episode 'blink' where the doctor and martha are in 1969. It could boil an egg whether you wanted it too or not.. I might start my long list of them here. I like it because people and me find them for me. alec and the metro in japan and a yellow towel. my birthday with yellow things in a bag.. this bit of text that i don't know what it says or where it is from. but it looks like it should have love and eggs , .. and you can't have love with out eggs because it says so in a book.

I got an email about the opening of the saatchi gallery . I want to go . I want to play scrabble the way that me and karl played chess on claire's bed. I went to exhibitions many and i want to write about them the next time i am here. I ought to get a hard drive external thing perhaps like the ones we saw in the design museum.. Alec took a picture of a lady in city hall and we saw her again at the design museum. i put my finger in a fountain but it stayed dry because i was wearing a finger sac. I started to read a book. It was/is yellow. I liked the colours that were around me that day and in my bag. I think sensitivity to the colour combinations is in my brain and i laugh at the books that you can read that tell you which ones are best. It was that day at design museum that i read that a paperclip and postit note s are design classics and toblerone... triangles i want to write about too. perhaps i should find something to work about rather than just make up the nonsense surrounding images. I want to write down though to remind myself what those references were. one was a triangle.. I just like doing things mostly to remind of what other people are thinking and had thought. one was a triangle straw bracelet i assembled in the club. it was to be a woman a way that the dinner party triangle vagina shape sculpture femininity? it makes me laugh. I don't feel like dancing; I laughed at that song and the album of scissor sisters joyirony... i liked too the song defying gravity in wicked and popular.s. ome kind of similar theme reason. happy sounds for perhaps negative things... the general concensus of society thinks are negative i shhould say. Ta Dah!

Monday, September 1, 2008

We like to throw breast at each other and the ceiling. I have enrolled. I bought some books in the hope that guilt might happen if i d on't read them like stuff about the environment and the fact that i could have spent the money on other happyt things. technical difficulty is noit my fault. I like typing here because the k key and the p key workl. I had peas on saturday. I hope to go for dinner twice this week . O nce last week was fun with jennifer marco timothy. Cockfoster.s we do not sell fosters. The dog licked my face at the freud museum/. I saw tomlins head at the tate modern and not twombly. Cy cycles. My bike works now. Art now on Lulu's table. Yesterday i bounced for 12 minutes. It makes me sweaty.
I am annoye3d that the ad has gone for convservation or am i happpy? I can not tell. One day the man told me not to take photos not even of the signs. I like the signs though and in the tate britain where it says not to run at the martin creed running thing./ I don't know if what have to rush what i think i was going to say hurry and rush.,. I was to see a film today but i didn't get round to it.