Monday, January 19, 2009


LoveLove of bob jeccts
Claires exhibition.
Wha iti kippen burger.
John d Wilson. Wurm image from book photoe . intereiors bri9on and elodie jelalous legs Tuesday cheapest boyeruism.

Love of objects. Yummy l.
Books find colour book ret
Kitsch and bourding
What is kippenburger
John d wils on
Lambie wurm denny kkelly rotth Duchamp Warhol newman Tyson draw and brendon draw and bnums brian and elodie jealousy legs . cheapest bouyeurism text buy the stuff. Money .
Keith eminesque.. bn
Be like the people that you look at the alamps tie lembobo jenny rowan wriapo bin function holding photographst.

Holding lo material iswswm ameaning in.
Secrets story fantasyt thinig st
So good at being bad
Pretty things. Jochen kleingg.

Sunday, January 18, 2009


This is a test post from flickr, a fancy photo sharing thing.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009


left his stick in the computer that I'm writing this with.
Simon says that context is a part of what we have to present during our twenty minute talk.
Van gogh.
you can be happy and not annoy people when you are dead. Fashion students ask me what i will show. A painting or photography

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

i have to write about chris martin and coldplay and the programme i saw it on over the christmas period.