Sunday, August 17, 2008

not no

Blogger matthewrandle said...

i already heard that you saw awjs and wicqure man.

thans for your blog help. I had a fun shopping experience in burger cing. A man wanted his breccfast and the manager said that it was not the right time for breacfast even though the man had a voucher.. the volume got oincreaseing increased to loud and louderish.the man wanted his brecfast and burger cing was all lies he looqued lique the manager was going to punch the man but he didn't. me and my friend and the other customers and the other staff tried not to laugh but it still happened. I bought my friend a whopper meal. I ordered coque but my friend dranquit...well i thought she had because mine didn't tast lique the real thing.. i thought it must have been the diet variety that she ordered. two more of my friends arrived.. one had just found a house.. the other later bought something that tasted meaty from a chinatown shop.

17 August 2008 22:57

I just realised the money that i allow myself only to spend cash is £10 , £1 , £0.10 and £0.01 it made me laugh and thinq of the big empty.. when i was writing that i called it the blue empty first.. i heard me laughing from my nose. i could or should or both have used myself in the previous sentence but i didn’t want to. I lique that lclaire told me that she liequeds how i comment on my wonwown own writing as it hapensnp happensl.

i just smelt tate cups and thought of dieter roth.
I put ash on for the first time... the band. girl from mars. I lique it .. perhaps because it sounds lique how i play the recorder. i bought it because i had heard the name before and i liqued the green face.. richard says it is good. so far.. i agree. i ceep thinqing of peanut butter.. could be because i had a peanut m&m and another one and because i had 4 jars from leftover residents of peanut butter or because Dieter R used foodstuffs or the taste in my mouth or peanuts at the pub or that butter is 1 of 2 items in the fridge in the room i am sat in, actually crouched in. structure yes or no@£. booqs to be published .. structure i mean foormula theme. .. it said in an article i read while in the toilet room 3 august culture magazine. another one i read said that one extreme is to say 2001 plan3 crass tall buildings is art.

repeat.. rhythm sounds my mind thinqs of how sam describes spanish flow.

‘My practice relies heavily on the work of others. I write about my pears and take great pride in being asked to help them with their work. My practice uses blatant and obscure reference and quotation to build up a grammar and language of memes. All the images and quotes I use are my influence. One might ask how it is possible to make new work steeped in someone else’s visual form. But I would like to believe that through my mere use of the work something has changed, something has changed in this new work and the original. But I would not say that I knew what the change or influence is. This is where my practice takes on a role of investigation through experimentation; What is a quotation, what does it mean to quote? I do not look at find an answer, but to better understand the question.’ it said that on richard’s page.

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