Friday, December 31, 2010

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

REi "Wishing you a very serious Christmas xxx" - Saturday 25th December 2010

REi "Wishing you a very serious Christmas xxx" - Saturday 25th December 2010

We Three Kings ✝

We Three Kings ✝ - Friday 24th December 2010

Thursday, December 23, 2010

cat friend

Make do with you? - Thursday 23rd December 2010

Make do with you?

'and an assurance of eternal life'

'and an assurance of eternal life' - Wednesday 22nd December 2010

Alberto passed on the light.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Socks, Bleach, Box, Plate

Socks, Bleach, Box, Plate - Tuesday 21st December 2010

"Do you have Mr Bun, the baker?" No.

Die Hard 2

Die Hard 2 - Monday 20th December 2010

Apple Pie. The internet died because of snow. There was snow and and shooting on the film that was on tv, Die Hard 2. I heard it but was watching the people in the room I was sat in . We had Pie. the film was set in an airport. lots of people couldn't fly and other travel because of the snow.

Sunday, December 19, 2010

phrases of 'Room'

Hot Chocolate, tea and tea - Sunday 19th December 2010 (Photograph taken by Leo)

Picking up and putting down in a different place, that's what art and the room is doing today.

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Fish Stew

Marmalade - Saturday 18th December 2010

there's no barrier between the motorised and the pedestrian. white slopes instead. makes twitches and slip.Caution wet floor.

Friday, December 17, 2010


17th December 2010

Will attempt to add a different drawing each day. This one happened looking drawing man underground on a train.

I pray for you.

the window is not a television anymore - Friday 17th December 2010

Chocolate and food and notes and stories and lists and jobs and slip and shuffle people and plans and Merry Christmas

Thursday, December 16, 2010

"birthday too--yeah" (Birthday by the Beatles)

Plates are Slaves - Thursday 16th December 2010

Tom grated chocolate and put it on a plate with a chocolate and raspberry doughnut cut into 4 pieces and 2 biscuits with chocolate filling. Matt ate one piece of doughnut and both the biscuits and a few sprinkles of chocolate from the plate.

I'm reminded of a painting that spoke of voids and enchantment. It's not working.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Variety Night

Moore Space Roger - Wednesday 15th December 2010

in internet land
or in faces with faces?
Olli came at the end. The step wobbles.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

two times to Cockfosters = chips, contacts and citrus fruit/J4Jerome

two times to Cockfosters = chips, contacts and citrus fruit/J4Jerome - Tuesday 14th December 2010

bought; 'Sanex dermo intensive anti-perspirant deodorant 24H 0% alcohol Thermo Active 3 Vitamin E Keeps Skin Healthy' (yesterday) and 'Sainsbury's Shower gel nitro' (today), both from Sainsbury's.

37 hours

Monday 13th December 2010

Sleepless Sunday night. Jump up quickly to use computers more more more but in a different place. take a metro from the bus. Give it to a lady in a shop that isn't a shop anymore . The lady reads the newspapers into a megaphone. Another lady sings the news into the megaphone just outside the shop. She sings in front ofrom the Mirror. It's words about Matt, a painter that won a television context. The news Matt read about was a bomber and Luton and Sweden and a lady who's having an affair with a cricketer but everyone already knew it was told.. and that there are protests with students and not students, water cannon mentioned. Store Card lendy people can charge consumers for not using their store cards to buy things.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Band Hero

Wholemeal Pitta Bread, Milk and Bananas - Sunday 12th December 2010

Grit. These amazing offers end Sunday. Decorating a tree in a room with plastic things and lights. Grapes. Egg Tart. Would you like a bag? Mulberry Bag.

Saturday, December 11, 2010


Standing Lady - Saturday 11th December 2010

Started reading a book today. Room. This lady was met on the way to the closest library which had the book. note, headphones taken out to converse with ease.

Friday, December 10, 2010

Couple of Bagels

Couple. - Friday 10th December 2010

Hangar. Bright orange hat and shoes. Hirst. Cabinet with medical stuff with a helmet on top, it's alright. Matt, you look trendy. Matt, you look trendy. Wearing blue cord flares, red long shirt with brown shirt over the top, ceramic badge, wooden tie, brown, brown hat with peak, Hannah's brown jacket that has been to New York, brown scarf, animal print glove on left hand, black glove on right hand, black shoes. black socks, black boxershorts.
Today the housemates saw each other after 3 days away. One gave bread.

Thursday, December 9, 2010


Preliminary title for photograph series... . 'Triangle Giles'

1 photograph each day? Yes. Today 9th December.

Attended and possibly helped out during an art practical , attempting to make sounds for a pool film. Learn about foley artists and pool hustling and tom cruise and the colour of money. Ate a 35p southern fried chicken wrap after getting to the underground station in the morning. 2 teas. Nico's Cafe and The Roman Cafe.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Matt's Christmas

This photographis Matt's Christmas.

It will remind the viewer of many things.. how once there was a christmas on the 4thDec in the studio and a big present made of bags of stuff on some pallets all encased in wrapping paper. It will remind them of Christmas because there is a christmas tie. It will remind them of the postperson who delivers things because there are some red bands visible. The postperson puts the red bands around things insecure. It will remind them of people because there is a figure.

Christmas felt like 8th December 2010 this year. Thoughts of family and talks to family. Enjoying company and eating sandwiches and cutting out shapes for cards and art. In a meeting room and not in a meeting room
There's been questions about where Christmas happens. It happens wherever home is and home is where everyone is , everyone is everywhere, the body doesn't want to split into many pieces. A man wanted to talk about how we stay so still. There are questions about what art happened during a degree. Questions were asked about a website. This should be the one but something needs to change. Matt will be a good man person in the new year whatever that means. writing in big blocks rarely gets read. Many thoughts to be realised make chuckles. looking at ears makes smiles. that's an old one from the underground train looking at andrew's ears. Today there was a chill out event and teaching about the word hire.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

St. Pancras

One church had an art opening in it. The other church had lots of improvised music in it. Both were entertaining. I ate some potato wedges and had a bath. I played the flute and did some singing.

Saturday, July 31, 2010

Friday, July 16, 2010


here's part of a message sent to a man... or someone or something pretending to be a man.

blog is.... for you me friends work. life. or less than life. or more . more more. and more. and art . and kunst . and more kunst.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

[[[ALLWORK]]] [[[Allwork]]] Allwork allwork all work All work All Work ALLWORK AllWork

[[[ALLWORK]]] [[[Allwork]]] Allwork allwork all work All work All Work ALLWORK AllWork

[[[Allwork]]] [[[allwork]]] [[[all work]]] [[[All work]]] [[[All Work]]]

Giles and Matt

giles and matt are preparing for an exhibition of new things.
ask one of us for the details.

It's exciting. It's fresh. It's hip. It's modern. It's cool.
We all do it.

Monday, July 12, 2010

a drawing

here is a drawing.
it made me smile.

Saturday, July 10, 2010



Does anybody really fall in love anymore?
Does anybody really give their heart to somebody?
Does anybody really ever open that door?
I know, I know you've got to love somebody
I know, I know I've got to find somebody to love

'Does Anyone Fall In Love Anymore?'

hear this after waking up.
I am reminded of many things.
Mondi gave her heart after Matt asked for it. (insert picture here_)
Tracey Emin said in an interview that her bed piece was edited in order not to make it so personal because it would be terrifying to bare all in your art, tthat there is a place that one keeps private.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

The Catch
Come to
the My this
Middlesex Show

description of what happened.---

The week before the show I asked people in the park and in the pub if they would like some chocolate for free, I would give it to them. - Snickers Bar

Why are you giving away chocolate?/
What's the catch?/
I can't, I'm allergic to nuts./
I shouldn't, worries about becoming diabetic/
No, I don't want to touch anything from you.

The wrappers are needed because a friend is going to make a tie with them for the art degree show so you have to take the chocolate now..

ok, i'll put it in this tissue/packet/bag for now
oh, no thanks then.
oh, when and where is the show?

It's at old Truman Brewery this coming weekend, take a flyer. Myself and the tie will be there.

I might come along, I know that place, also, I/my friend/son/daughter/niece studied at Middlesex or what it used to be.

This is not an explanation, it is a list of things that were in it.

Props used to ignite responses and further questioning. snickers box in a clear bag painted with acrylic paint sunflowers.
Man writing on the back of the photographs the title of the piece red and blue pen wearing snickers wrapper tie that people can say 'I like your tie' to.

Everything is important to the completion of the piece.

Insert .
It's a story. made up then realised.

Richard likes the painting so I showed it.
here's him happy that it is there.

Use the ties to help support the art.

This is not an

Saturday, June 26, 2010

buses, recently

getting the bus is cheaper most of the time for the journeys that happened around London, often cooler too, not quite as confined as the Underground. Watch London pass too. This is where a lot of drawing happens. Yesterday 'Subash Eat Biscuit' and 'Chris Mouth Oyster' were added to on public transport. (insert pictures of their current states)

Serena's red indicates the charity relating to AIDS.

Serena through to 4th round.

the most exciting is when nothing (huge) happens. --.(or nothing that isn't expected)

when there was a big zero from bath.
When nothing was showing in the airport lounge,
when there are no goals in football,

when one says we are tea. tea happens.
fun because of the disappointment that there is not more, there was no promise of more,

or even more of the same.
(insert link here to G.p website.)


more sausages
Blue Grass and Blues.

Early this morning we had beans and bread after it had been in the toaster.

Beer and Bus.
and another bus.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Part of a conversation with Bex on facebook chat.


get away to london yes

it was a lovely day today sun sun sun


same here

what did u do today?


had a cup of tea

did a bit of drawing

then went on a bus with my friend

did some drawing on the bus

making maps of how I thought the places in london related to one another

my friend talked to a drunk man called Rob on the bus

and he exchanged a drawing for a drawing

to calm the drunk man down

then we got to Regents park

I looked at the map and my friend drew me looking at the map

I took a picture of the map and my map

we tried to find the rose garden

it was hard because it wasn't written on the map

we found it eventually

the roses smell like roses

and we sat

and lay

with more friend


and new faces

eating and drinking

then walked to the toilets

I filled up a bottle with water

then we played rounders

2 innings

and then walked a bit more

then got a bus to my friend's house

had a little bit of beer

and a crumpet with something like butter

saw an impressions show

then saw some titles of something that looked like a film

it had trees and snow

then I took two more bus journeys to get home

and I looked at some pictures other people had taken throughout the afternoon/evening

who were around me

and then I conversed with you

Saturday, June 19, 2010

the bag is an advert. \ (to enter in national portrait gallery competition bp thing.)
I am a marketing professional.
sell it.

helper. Alec was a hoard.
(insert picture here.)

the artist we met last wednesday had a postcard making holes in car bonnets.
He learned about computer graphics, we waited outside to hear this.

ties, chains, lanyards

and links and spin and money and smiling faces..
and shaking money , spill on the floor , try and clean up the red in it. It's difficult.. scrub, get all the clothes stained. keep smiling and tell everyone and the people walking round that it's good, If you keep telling everyone it is good , it is good. good good, It's fine. It's fine. It's art. It's fine art.


2 or 3 or end.

During university, about how work comes about for final year degree BA fine art.

There was an performance installation by tom geoghegan, tao geoghegan and bede geoghegan, sept 16th 2009, geoghegan. middlesex university. cat hill campus.

'lost in space'

part of Masters Fine Art Degree show.

(bad link below)
University's Cat Hill campus this week as Fine Art MA students put on ... Tom Geoghegan made good use of this space with his performance piece, Lost in ...

my thoughts and reactions.. support, binding,, frustration that the space gets lost shortly. a specific site. visual., provided chairs.

just the kind of thing that resonated with me. , perhaps it was this that caused persistance in realising 'spin the bin' a performance adapted from a drawing and the 2nd year show installation. (insert picture here)

roles of the institution. d

Monday, June 14, 2010

photography installation

There was a lot of talk about this and viewing it.
Fun and brick lane and seeing bricks in the video of chain in the library . It says art.

Plymouth and Cambridge. Trees and videos. bought and used bread and a pepper

Tidying the room today where sleep happens, found and a realisation of how the work could have come about from an advert that looks good if you don't read the small print.. it says Free... from .blah.. blah blah.

It reminds of More nuts . Above the free it says 'Even more for Matthew Randle' ... That came from the Sun a couple of years ago, red and white writing. There will be a picture here soon and perhaps another description of the performance that made a man see the tie that he liked.

Thursday, June 10, 2010


The sign in the cafe says. .. NOW SHOWING NOTHING.
. so
some were put up.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010


sat on a bench, interesting kink. the tape is collecting water. give some lines on a page to a lady, sign it Roger Moore.

Drawing a drawing and music.

write and draw about the boat photographs .

some kind of choir like wild animals but direction and listening.

move paper and talk then tie

There were two art shows.

There were two pieces.

moving the chain on clearing studio days.

Telling someone about a tie that wasn't made and then wearing it.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Middly sexion game

We've been playing it.
We walked and saw Tommy today.
We went for a curry before.
We put some work up in for a show.
We did that on the same street. (road)

Friday, May 21, 2010

Jack Strange

Jack Strange: It Sings
Artist's Blood and Pencil on Wall
Dimensions variable
Maribel Lopez Gallery.

Thankyou Gabriel.
(who said I might like it after seeing my work RE: ed.)

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Dead Art

thinking about the performances and endurance.

DEAD ART by fiona mcgregor

Saturday, May 1, 2010

squares which don't kiss and squares which kiss

We need to start vacating soon this space. Do you need help?
Are stink bombs still around?

The show was really wonderful impressive happy making. I took a few pictures and talked with some of the artists. might put some pictures here.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

vegetarian lesbian

eat in a restaurant.
walk on the street.

Look at the fish.
gaze at the wigs.

buy a dvd.
eat a burger.

drink some wine.
see some art.

drink a beer.
predict the actions.

pick up bones.
throw a ball.

laugh seeing the art lookers.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010


The work looked like a film with a pen floating in space.

Michael and Giles wear white t-shirts with letters on. Michael has two of them.

I bought some water.
We played top trumps underground with Giles. A man standing held the cards when we got the same number for one round.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

some blog

went to ed's blog , it looks new and yes. Then I clicked on a word there and it took me to eric

in the crib

Gloss paint, acrylic paint an ink on canvas, 150x75cm 2007
installed in the crib , City of Bath College

Is it decorative art?

plane brown ash england election map

got to the pub and saw rosie and emma and chris. Before that, enjoyed reading the sign the day before , read about heathrow and that planes don't go.

Chris likes a drawing I did with lines. in the book. I had in my head thoughts and images from a page in a Mark Titchner work that involved diamond and graphite.

Why And Why Not
by Mark Titchner (2004, reprint 2007)

It makes lots of maps around on news and paper.
I drew andrew marrrr.

from the tv.

rosie and me talked about the map pants.
I bought some pants.

It said about plans to make only the English MPs vote on issues concerning only Englandy people.
I read a bit of comments on the blog, I also bought 4 shit canvasses

There was a pot to put business cards in . I've had my hand in one but without explicitly being involved in the creation

I did a drawing on the bus, here's a picture of it.

Rosie devirgined this book, I did another memory draw, it's not as good though..

Saturday, April 17, 2010


some text from google informed me of a drawing application. This is a drawing I did using it.

Friday, April 16, 2010

big green kitchen gets thrown away.

Audrey leaning in green kitchen
green kitchen with figures
2008 oil on board, (destroyed)
(2008) oil on board, destroyed

study/live the green kitchen lives/studies
(mixed media 2008)

The green kitchen is the hub of hive social activity and warmth.
Come to the kitchen when people are needed. Associations of smiles , blend memories of good time with figure/surrounding

Hannah says I say I like small things,
Perhaps because the small things can be moved around easily, can move them solitary.

Yesterday was a cooking and kitchen diner day, there are chairs though, we share.

Today I mentioned a video. The small things are saved.

small slithers saved
digital video, 2008

e saw lila's paintings, mmm, and there was a bit of she missed a bit. maarten said like feathers. It reminds me of the painting I did on the wall when Edward was around...

Red paint, screws, marker pen and card, wall 2009-2010

Poem Proposing Titles for wall piece.
text on blog 2010

Claire can hold up signs.

Give Will a hand.
Will ed. Me
Me ed. will
edit will
Ed's Will
Ed's will.
Ed will help me.
Ed's will helped me.
Ed William.
Ed Will Judith Marco Fiona Matthew

Will's work will work.

.....and the instructions on how to mix to make some green on a plate serve up an RBGrange2008 (oil paint on takeaway plate, colour chart, human hand, yellow drawing desk, photo wallet..etc 2008)Dear RBG Eat From Matt
(digital photograph on blog including a digital print and pencil text on an A3 sheet of paper attached with tack to RBG's wallspace in the studio 2008)

purpose of life. I never like to .. it's uncomfortable to say making people (you personally to him) smile and laugh..

It's funny to make the same joke work on many people. It gets easier but less fun for the teller....add picture of paper.. the joke that's meant to be for paul but I don't know his address.