Sunday, April 18, 2010

plane brown ash england election map

got to the pub and saw rosie and emma and chris. Before that, enjoyed reading the sign the day before , read about heathrow and that planes don't go.

Chris likes a drawing I did with lines. in the book. I had in my head thoughts and images from a page in a Mark Titchner work that involved diamond and graphite.

Why And Why Not
by Mark Titchner (2004, reprint 2007)

It makes lots of maps around on news and paper.
I drew andrew marrrr.

from the tv.

rosie and me talked about the map pants.
I bought some pants.

It said about plans to make only the English MPs vote on issues concerning only Englandy people.
I read a bit of comments on the blog, I also bought 4 shit canvasses

There was a pot to put business cards in . I've had my hand in one but without explicitly being involved in the creation

I did a drawing on the bus, here's a picture of it.

Rosie devirgined this book, I did another memory draw, it's not as good though..

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