Sunday, March 30, 2008

more stuff

here are some pictures that I made.

Friday, March 7, 2008

events that lead to now

I'm going to attempt to use this now to show some of my thoughts again from the beginning to as far as I can go, mostly based on this thing called being a person who does the processes drawing and looking and is a receptive horrible aaargh.. visual things.. art!? It is chronilogical but it starts at that bottom. the most recent is first. I don't know how to make it easier. If you want it to read like a story, read from the top of each paragraph starting from the bottom. I think that might work

I hate yellow.. starts off with looking at image and index.. looked at a coke bottle while ann was talking... loved the reflection in the grey floor of the little bit of brown liquid at the bottom,.. the reflection as an index to the other image.. or the other way round perhaps. looked at other objects around me.. a banana it ended up with.. i didn't want anything too difficult as there are huge amounts of references for everything in the world.. coke bottle has so many and it wouldn't work for my work it already has so many meanings engrained into that object shape colours.. what the company stands for .. and more. It is yellow and black kind of so i painted using those colours as indexical to it.. then use other objects.. a balloon rolled in paint.. print paint it looks like a banana now. use it to print with the colour yellow to black paper seemed like the inside of a banana skin.. It didn't look lovely so i thought that i didn't really like home and noticed that i had written I hate yellow on a yellow piece of paper. one of my flatmates noted to me that i had a yellow room.. i was almost sick.. I aquired yellow things and looked at things that were banana shape. look at what other people thought of it. mixed reaction indeed. a lot of people agreed with me. It's not really a hate.. it was just something that i could talk and work about force yourself to have some kind of opinion of it.. perhaps i hated the idea of having to make a choice about yourself making a stance. it to paint with the colou.. yellow box sponge box, the colour hide in a box but it bounces back. what is the box?
naomi says a silly man flying in the sky. me hide then in a box. what does that mean? Still . still. situations of still in an exhibition as an exhibition. duck hide behind richard's chair for 30 mins in the morning. sit under the kitchen work surfaces in the dark and be. draw what you one feels. make other people loose part of their sight and make them draw what they feel like.

December/january 2007. This painting happened then. It is 68cm x 168cm Acrylic on canvas

Strange at foundation felt comfortable because it was said that the people had to unlearn everything that they had done at a level . .was fine with me because i didn't seem to do any drawing at a level so had little to unlearn.. we were just guided at my school , not teaching as such so i am much more open to new ideas .. i think that is why i loved it so much embracing and taking the parts which i find interesting from the ways the tutors see the world. I love the print room. spend a lot of time looking.. get the salient points first. pick them out.

interview.. not much drawing says sally .. just the ones of myself self portrait in my book for the AS unit. I want to come to see what it is this drawing thing. I have been rather scared of it .. not knowing where to start.

Sky was the final thing.. lemons sunglasses. white horse.. landscape.. sky sunset. clouds walk outside outside outside reflection stuck inside.. scale? time ? Oil on board 2006.

Then I started with a project that used repetition pencils time clocks boxes and such.
and clocks and time and pencils sharp and grip and repetition. and charley christmas card and boxes ..

Jan 2006.
Anyhow i was intrigued by auerbach for a lot of time .. this next one I was surely influenced by that Frank. It's a painting from an experience of the walks I had on my own in Scotland 2005.

I did open spaces in the landscape for the second year can't quite remember second i think pictures i painted pink from snowdonia.

picked snapshot for AS thing, hmmm it was a snapshot about how i the end it was my relationships withbetween me brother and sister, didn't feel quite there somehow

We all did a figure unit in the first year , year 12 put a picture here.

(7) For AS the first thing we did was paint a cabbage.. We did it from a photograph.. most people drew lots of marks on their paper with pencil.. I did a few quick marks in 5 mins and was eager to get onto the painting. I think all the other 9 members painted theirs in a portrait orientation of the paper. Here is a picture of mine. Cabbage 2005.

(6) Pictures of my family. . reflections.. emotional.. literal. mum in a puddle during walk in snowdonia. brother with red hair distortion looking through a glass of water i used pastel.. i painted something similar with bacon influence for the end of year 10
I remember looking a lot at Francis Bacon's paintings in the gallery and in a book. I took it home one time. That was year 11. I liked taking lots of pictures. I still do. I stayed late after scho
ol.. perhaps it was because i wanted to avoid doing the homework for my other subjects.. mixed the photography in my painting with the imagination violent tendencies i wanted the figure thought to have. I liked crimson painting oil paints on paper.

(5) GCSE..I picked art because we had to do a certain amount of subjects, i had already picked music for my arty subject and thought i could suppose live through another two years of art perhaps.. i did not know what to expect.
In our class the first project was oak leaves and acorns, kind of a design printy thing, drawing the oak leaves then transforming and maniputlating, selecting the lights and darks stretching and moving to fit into a regular hexagon and another shape that tesselates.

(4) Year 7-9 was rubbish, hated going to art lessons because it was full of silly people distracting the teacher so we didn't learn much at all. A few times we had to copy things. We did some painting with poster paints.

(3) I enjoyed it, art and stuff on the very few occasions , perhaps 2 that our headteacher covered our classes for the day. I went to art club a few times but don't remember anything that we did. I remember him leading us doing some abstract compositions on black paper with oil pastels

(2) Slightly later I remember writing stories in class or work in general and getting really frustrated with drawing, when I was 5, at one point my teacher sent me back to draw hands and shoes on a figure. This made me sad.

(1) Me, aged 4/5, the perfectionist. I can not let my stories have the wrong spellings even though the teachers encouraged us to just make sure we got the words down. (seems like in my head though, this is still happening, I'm very particular about how it all looks, intentionally leaving or making spelling or grammatical errors to get some kind of expression of what's going on)