Saturday, November 22, 2008

I tried to draw a picture of a lady shoe with.
I didn’t look at maria’s blog but i think richard did.

I just looked at it and saw a drawing... of a wurm sculpture/performance thing that maria was involved in. I turned up because maria said that they were short of people to perform the work. I remember it was quite painful because i did not stretch before getting into position. I held it for as long as i could not bear much longer.

I saw a sign for Wembly and Oxford.. That is where we are going. Westfield. I didn't know it was going to be a shopping centre when i saw it being built. I liked the green colour.

It makes me feel funny when people say that they think differently because of me. One time is when I did my talk. I showed some book covers . It's because I like them that i want to look inside. There's loads of those up north, the bridges.


I can’t , I need to be here, to stress out!

we just had a lecture. It’s a matter for the church.

today i used oil pastels. i didn’t understand what is the meaning for the missing. but i wrote in a book about me going to see ad reinhart. it was not there.
and i always get lonely so i talk lots to try and get attention

no i did not make it. it’s been almost a week. it’s to remind me who and what i am. I gave. give chocolate. it’s not just that. love. talk. me.

i didn’t talk about cheers chicken knickers or a letter to pete townsend.

I keep having dreams that are so much more real than the awake state. People talk. Gemma fry said hello. I didn’t recognise her at first but then I noticed the height was right.

I like writing for leo. I like writing this for claire. I don’t like talking just for the attention but i like the attention.

I opened art in theory and put in on my head and imagined that many people are doing the same thing.

I have another pair of trousers so there is no need to wash the curry stained ones right now.

How’s your work going? What are the other people in your group doing? Drawing and painting.

Gave us the blackboard. what is 5p about? It’s money. 25p machine. They are taking a long time.

dreams that are sounds.
the heating always makes me want to sing with songs that the tonic is the pitch of the drone.

Don’t touch. Cake for not birthdays. i like your shirt. that’s a nice shirt. Where did you get it? burton. My brain is thinking about what i should were at the bop. last time i remember it was not as cold as today, i was chasing a man on a bike with my feet getting dirty on the ground. Dirty. Dirty. Dirty. that was our birthday and a rubbish bop.

what is not allowed. i wrote it in my book. i try to read books and it is annoying and happy make when people want to read the books that i’m doing. it means that i can’t take my time. i shall check when it is due back now.

I laughed at the scarface 2001. It’s in michael’s space.

I’m thinking about what to do in the project space.

I like soda water with a slice of lime.

What should be worn to the queer bop?

I want to draw people in spaces like i did viv setting up his project space time. and the green kitchen. or the people of tim in reflections. people in places. people in the streeet. people in kitchens. people in kitchens . people on the beaches. people working in a pub. yes.

I saay to claire that i’m getting better at drawing. I don’t know if that is write . or left. because i look at the pastel and oil paint pieces of GCSE and they are the fresha that i want. but i cannot see now. blearuryggh.

I think . draw. sleep. dance. hang. happily depressed collection, learn a french. I like to the talk with the people in a space.draw them? a bin. not animate. waste. rubbish art. you are rubbish. what is the crack? can you see the bum? Is it because i can’t see any? wheree are your moles?
searching/looking for jj. i saw it at claires house. it’s a book i have read/.


I like trains when they 3825
come at 3825 on friday.
I take that to mean 1425 today which is saturday 22nd November.
London. London.

We find it hard to just do it. We don't want to tell people or let them tell us in case it doesn't happen. that is scary. Hillingdon.

I'm wanting to make a little catalogue of works important.
Presents are fun when they are not in the same place as us.

Why are you not wearing your tiara today?
This reminds me of Saltford.. where the cars are on the rof of the showroom. London reminded jenny of new york (hyde park corner) and paris.( the bit near where we got the oxford tube)

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