Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Matt's Christmas

This photographis Matt's Christmas.

It will remind the viewer of many things.. how once there was a christmas on the 4thDec in the studio and a big present made of bags of stuff on some pallets all encased in wrapping paper. It will remind them of Christmas because there is a christmas tie. It will remind them of the postperson who delivers things because there are some red bands visible. The postperson puts the red bands around things insecure. It will remind them of people because there is a figure.

Christmas felt like 8th December 2010 this year. Thoughts of family and talks to family. Enjoying company and eating sandwiches and cutting out shapes for cards and art. In a meeting room and not in a meeting room
There's been questions about where Christmas happens. It happens wherever home is and home is where everyone is , everyone is everywhere, the body doesn't want to split into many pieces. A man wanted to talk about how we stay so still. There are questions about what art happened during a degree. Questions were asked about a website. This should be the one but something needs to change. Matt will be a good man person in the new year whatever that means. writing in big blocks rarely gets read. Many thoughts to be realised make chuckles. looking at ears makes smiles. that's an old one from the underground train looking at andrew's ears. Today there was a chill out event and teaching about the word hire.

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