Monday, January 19, 2009


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tiedanggong said...

stared bumwayward down into crass droop lines, the wons flung ahead(overhead like pussycast)_s'under the be-jewelled clashtime bin made from dim bin pressers in their jeans and nexties tying all up(and then where would all be)(properly drooped).He sings 'cos of the gargled throat syrup brought up, neck up, from back up ryhming juices cologned, clashed against heartfelt wound cliff-falls(and neckties too). Brash and the bully that can swing to thru-gallerys peeping-tom style sawyer milks an' all so they don't see what's to be seen, only gargle wild tricks over, bent over double backs, tired from the cho9rn scorn gulps of timberface and 'is motley's when hung around and could only think of those lesser to swallow hole, the back hole, back nine from tee's eleven to fourteen, dogslegs too.

tiedanggong said...

i want be alittle boy in greyskin coats without of course the jesusses caring, just playing shit out as ifsun shin3s for one time only, but can be caressed otherwise