Friday, August 8, 2008

i read a book

I have read two books this year from the start bit to the end bit. Last night Emilybob read me Vegetable soup by Heinz as a bedtime story. I almost read the whole of draw me a star by eric carl. I liKe that one a lot. The one I was talKing about to start as in the title was recommendeded to me by simon read.. and someone in africa called him a yellow man. I was in the yellow group we had to write what we thought of yellow.. oh that brings me to the topic of this post... in a similar way to writing what we thought of colours we had to make collage about what the seasons were to us using magazine bits asian ladies and pens and glue while looking at the seasons paintings 8 of them by cy twombly. The book is called chroma by derek jarman. one of the leaders of the worksh90p was trying to recall the name of it to recommend to either one of the participants or the artist on hand.. Chila. well I was eavesdropping on the conversation as i had already been sent to lunch bbut i liked the task and came back for more.. here is one that i did...

perhaps it is winter or summer.. who nose at all. the other book i read was the wind singer by william nicholson... the reasonn i read that one is because i lookked through the bookshelves in claire's house and there is firesong...well i don't think it is there now because i took a copy of it and put it on my shelf.. that doesn't mean though that they have not another copy. I haven't read it yet because i'm still reading the slaves of the mastery which i read a few years ago but i wanted to read again but fear perhaps is lost in this mess room somewhere. simple reason... i try to read a series in order so start with wind singer. it was large print version.

well. back to the story.. i was doing this picture and heard someone saying about a colour a boo about book about colour and saying chr .. chro .. crhr. .. So I say. said. 'Chroma by Derek Jarman$' (Dollar is question mark because my key for question mark is not very working well today)

she said yes. Then Chila explained that when she went for the private view Derek Jarman at the Serpentine gallery that there was a very long winding queue outside.

1 comment:

R B Grange said...

Hey Randle, you said you wanted some help on your blog.